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Table of Content Volume 14 Issue 2 - May 2020

A study of assessment of the severity and extent of the underlying lesion in various conditions of painful hip joint


Ashish Lule1*, Dayanand Kawade2, Samruddhi Sonawane3, Sumit Bindal4


1 Bonded Assistant Professor, Department Of Radiology, LTMMC Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA.

2Medical Officer, Radiology Department, Civil Hospital Osmanabad, Maharashtra, INDIA.

3Final Year Radiology Resident, Ruby Hospital Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.

4 Bonded Assistant Professor, Department Of Radiology, KEM Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: ashulule004@gmail.com


Abstract               Background: since from the invention of it MRI has become one of the most powerful imaging tools for musculoskeletal imaging. Painful hip is one of the common clinical problem which requires imaging in addition to clinical examination. Aims and Objectives: To study severity and extent of the underlying lesion in various conditions of painful hip joint. Methodology: The present study was cross sectional study, undertaken to estimate the role of MRI in early evaluation of painful hip joints in a tertiary care centre. The present study period was from December 2016 to October 2018. The study population was referred to Department of Radiology- both indoor and outdoor patients with hip joint pain. A total sample size of 50 patients with hip joint pain referred to department of Radiology. Collected data was presented in the form of tables and diagrams. Frequency and percentages were calculated wherever applicable. Result: It was observed that majority of patients were in age group 31-40 years (36%).It was observed that majority of patients were in male (66%) and females were 34%.in avascular necrosis among patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed focal subchondral signal abnormality (100%) followed by double line sign (75%) .In osteoarthritis among patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed joint effusion (100%) followed by synovial thickening (71.42%). In septic arthritis among patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed altered soft tissue intensity (100%),synovial thickening (50 %). In transient arthritis among patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed altered soft tissue intensity (50%), synovial thickening (50%) .In chondroblastoma patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed low signal intensity foci with in tumor (100%),In osteoporosis among patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed marrow edema of femoral head and neck (100%) followed by joint effusion (75%) Conclusion: It was observed that MRI was very useful in the assessment of the severity and extent of the underlying lesion in various conditions of painful hip joint.

Key words: avascular necrosis of Femur (AVN), osteoarthritis, septic arthritis, transient arthritis, chondroblastoma



Since from the invention of it MRI has become one of the most powerful imaging tools for musculoskeletal imaging. Painful hip is one of the common clinical problem which requires imaging in addition to clinical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging is the imaging modality which is commonly used due to its excellent soft tissue contrast with high spatial resolution and provides excellent details of cartilage, joint fluid, extraarticular soft tissues and osseous structures.1 MRI allows the joint to be visualized as a whole organ and provides much more detailed picture of the OA changes than any other imaging modality without any radiation. MRI has unlimited image contrast possibilities, and contrast-enhanced imaging provides additional information about synovitis. 2 Disadvantages of MRI include the high price compared with CR, long acquisition time and contraindications to the procedure. MRI is contraindicated in patients with aneurysm clips, pacemakers, cochlear implant and metallic splinters in the eye. The MRI equipment is expensive to purchase, maintain and operate. Experts are needed for input on the selection of sequences and correct utilization, and the readers must be aware of artifacts during the interpretation of images. 2,3,4 Gadolinium (Gd) contrast may lead to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and should not be administrated to persons with reduced kidney function. It typically manifests with skin tightening, tethering and hyperpigmentation, and systemic fibrosis of internal organs has been identified due to deposition of free Gd in the tissues. 40 With all these advantages and limitations we have studied the severity and extent of the underlying lesion in various conditions of painful hip joint at tertiary health care centre.



The present study was cross sectional study, undertaken to estimate the role of MRI in early evaluation of painful hip joints in a tertiary care centre. The present study period was from December 2016 to October 2018. The study population was referred to Department of Radiology- both indoor and outdoor patients with hip joint pain. A total sample size of 50 patients with hip joint pain referred to department of Radiology in the hospital was included in the study population.Patients presenting with acute or chronic hip pain, Patients of all age groups included into study. Patients with history of acute trauma, malignant lesions. Patient having history of metallic implants insertion, cardiac pacemakers and metallic foreign body in situ Patient with congenital abnormality were excluded from the study. The questionnaire was validated by translation into the local language and reviewed by a group of experts. Imaging was done with 1.5 Tesla Philips Machine using abdominal surface coils and spine coils. The following sequences was selected as required: a) T1W1, T2W1 (Axial, Sagittal) , b) STIR – Coronal , c) PD – (Axial, Coronal) ,d) Contra study if required . MRI features of the hip joint (such as -size, shape, margin of lesions, presence and absence of calcification) were recorded. Any other complication will be noted and appropriately treated. All data analysis has been done by using SPSS (version 22) for windows. Collected data was presented in the form of tables and diagrams. Frequency and percentages were calculated wherever applicable.



Table 1: Distribution according to age

Age group (years)

No of patients


























The above table shows distribution of patients according to age. It was observed that majority of patients were in age group 31-40 years (36%) followed by 41-50 years (26%) The mean age of the patients was 41.26 ±09.85 years.


Table 2: Distribution according to sex


No of patients











The above table shows distribution of patients according to sex. It was observed that majority of patients were in male (66%) and females were 34%.


Table 3: Distribution according to MRI findings in AVN

MRI findings

No of patients (n=16)


Focal subchondral signal abnormality



Double line sign



Marrow edema



Joint effusion



The above table shows MRI findings in avascular necrosis patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed focal subchondral signal abnormality (100%) followed by double line sign (75%) The other findings includes marrow edema (43.75%) and joint effusion (37.5%)

Table 4: Distribution according MRI findings in Osteoarthritis

MRI findings

No of patients (n=7)


Joint space narrowing



Marginal osteophytes



Subchondral cyst



Marrow edema



Joint effusion



Synovial thickening



Soft tissue edema



The above table shows MRI findings in osteoarthritis patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed joint effusion (100%) followed by synovial thickening (71.42%) The other findings includes marrow edema (71.42%), subchondral cysts (57.14%), joint space narrowing (57.14%), marginal osteophytes (57.14%) and soft tissue edema (42.86%)


Table 5: Distribution according to MRI findings in septic arthritis

MRI findings

No of patients (n=4)


Altered soft tissue signal intensity



Synovial thickening



Marrow edema



Joint effusion



The above table shows MRI findings in septic arthritis patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed altered soft tissue intensity (100%), synovial thickening (50 %) The other findings includes marrow edema (100%) and joint effusion (75%)


Table 6: Distribution according to MRI findings in Transient arthritis

MRI findings

No of patients (n=4)


Altered soft tissue signal intensity



Synovial thickening



Marrow edema



Joint effusion



The above table shows MRI findings in transient arthritis patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed altered soft tissue intensity (50%), synovial thickening (50%) The other findings includes marrow edema (0%) and joint effusion (50%)


Table 7: Distribution according to MRI findings in Chondroblastoma

MRI findings

No of patients (n=2)


Low signal intensity foci with in tumor



Marrow edema



The above table shows MRI findings in chondroblastoma patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed low signal intensity foci with in tumor (100%), marrow edema (100%)


Table 8: Distribution according MRI findings in Osteoporosis

MRI findings

No of patients (n=4)


Marrow edema of femoral head and neck



Joint effusion



Marrow edema of the acetabulam



The above table shows MRI findings in osteoporosis patients. It was observed that majority of patients showed marrow edema of femoral head and neck (100%) followed by joint effusion (75%) and marrow edema of the acetabulam (50%)





Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with its excellent soft tissue contrast and resolution with no operator dependence and no ionizing radiation is the imaging modality of choice for evaluation of hip joint abnormalities. MRI offers valuable information regarding occult bony and cartilage injury such as stress fractures, avascular necrosis, and osteoarthritis, as well as soft tissue abnormalities such as muscle tears and bursitis. MRI provides a useful assessment of patients in whom a femoro-acetabular impingement is clinically suspected. The present hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the role of MRI in early evaluation of hip joint pathologies. The study was conducted in Department of Radio diagnosis from December 2016 to October 2018. A total sample size of 50 patients referred to the department of Radio diagnosis with clinical history of hip pain was included in the study. Patients with history of acute trauma, history of metallic implants insertion, cardiac pacemakers and metallic foreign body in situ and patient with congenital abnormality were excluded. In present study the MRI findings in avascular necrosis among patients showed that majority of patients showed focal subchondral signal abnormality (100%) followed by double line sign (75%) The other findings include marrow edema (43.75%) and joint effusion (37.5%). MRI findings in avascular necrosis among patients by Mitchelles classification showed that majority of patients had Stage C AVN (37.5%) followed by Stage B (25%) while by Ficat and Arlet classification majority of patients had Stage III AVN (43.75%) followed by Stage II (31.25%). Takatori Y et al.5 reported that 85% of the patients of avascular necrosis show a characteristic “double line“ sign on T2 weighted images which is a specific finding that consists of concentric low- and high signal intensity rims that surround the area of marrow signal intensity change within the femoral head. In study by Hayam Abd et al.,8 the characteristic “double line“ sign on T2 weighted images was seen in 80% of patients with AVN (20 patient) . In the study done by the Khaladkar Sanjay M et al.9 double line sign on T2 weighted images was seen in 56.8% of patients of AVN. A double line sign seen in AVN as an outer low signal intensity rim and an inner high-intensity band on T2W images was seen in 75% of cases which is consistent with the previous studies by Mitchell et al. 11 and Mitchell et al. 10 found it in 80% and 71% of the cases, respectively. These data support the hypothesis that early non-traumatic osteonecrosis is associated with hyperemia and/or an increase in capillary permeability rather than acute devascularization and that diffuse marrow edema is the initial finding in early non-traumatic osteonecrosis. In a study done by Arvind kumar Vaghamashi et al.12 on imaging findings depicted on MRI in patients with a painful hip joint most common MRI finding of AVN was focal subchondral signal abnormality which was present in 100 % of the lesions. Chaudhari NH et al. 13 assessed the role of MRI in early diagnosis of AVN and found that out of total 60 femoral heads (bilateral femoral heads of 30 patients) 51 were showing features of AVN, while 9 were normal. Out of 51 femoral heads showing AVN, 21 showed subchondral collapse. Bone marrow edema was seen in 34 femoral heads out of 51 femoral heads with AVN. Joint effusion was observed in 37 femoral heads out of 51 femoral heads with AVN. It our present study it was observed that majority of patients showed focal subchondral signal abnormality (100%) followed by double line sign (75%) The other findings includes marrow edema (43.75%) and joint effusion (37.5%). In the study done by Mitchell D et al.l 6 joint effusion is found is 58% of the total AVN patients. While in our study is found in 37.5% of the patients. The MRI findings in osteoarthritis among patients showed that majority of patients showed patients showed joint effusion (100%) followed by synovial thickening (71.42%) The other findings include marrow edema (71.42%), subchondral cysts (57.14%), joint space narrowing (57.14%), marginal osteophytes (57.14%) and soft tissue edema (42.86%). Hayashi14 reviewed that bone marrow signal alteration (bone marrow edema) is a common magnetic resonance imaging feature of hip OA and the degree of bone marrow edema, as assessed by MRI, correlates with the severity of hip pain in cases with osteoarthritis. Tushar Kalekar et al.14 assessed the role of MRI in early evaluation of painful hip joint observed that commonest MRI abnormality seen in cases of osteoarthritis was signal loss in the femoral head and neck on T1W images which was found in 90% cases. Boutry et al.16 demonstrated joint effusion (100%), bone marrow edema (83%) and subchondral cysts (83%) in his study on hip osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease-causing destruction of synovial joint. The risk for disability and dependency from changes of OA is comparable with that of cardiovascular disease in the elderly. MRI has some credible role as a non-invasive method of depicting early changes of OA when compared with standard radiograph, histology, and other techniques, however still Radiography continues to be used as a confirmatory imaging modality by clinicians due to its ready availability and cost effectiveness. The signs on MRI include joint effusion, reduced joint space, marrow edema, osteophytes, cartilage defects and subchondral cysts and fissures.  In our study cartilage is affected in nearly 71.42% of the patients. This finding is well correlated with the study done by Teichtahl, A. J.17 Iidaka T et al.18 studied on Osteoarthritis/ osteoporosis against disability on the basis of radiographic evidence and found that males are more commonly affected than females while the severity of osteoarthritis is more common in females. While in our study total 5 out of 8 patients of osteoarthritis were female. In the present study, the MRI findings in osteoporosis showed that majority of patients had marrow edema of femoral head and neck (100%) followed by joint effusion (75%) and marrow edema of the acetabulum (50%).



It was observed that MRI was very useful in the assessment of the severity and extent of the underlying lesion in various conditions of painful hip joint.



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